Thursday, February 5, 7-9pm
Eric Fraser M.A, MT-BC
Nada Yoga, a special practice in yoga, uses sound, music,voice, breath and rhythm as a vehicle to meditation and purification of the nadis (subtle and vast web of energy channels and nerve passageways in the body).
Click Here for Info & tickets
Thursday, March 5, 7-9pm
Kristin Sharkey MA, MT-BC
Elisa Sciscioli MATP
Join music therapist Kristin Sharkey and voice teacher/world music facilitator Elisa Sciscioli in an evening of uniting and uplifting multicultural songs as well as improvisational vocal and instrumental play. Engage in exercises that support health, vibrancy and vocal stamina. Explore toning and movement practices that open us to life force energy. Develop spontaneity and embrace the joy in self-expression through vocal and instrumental group improvisation.
Click Here for Info & tickets
Thursday, April 2, 7-9pm
Katie Down MM, MMT, MT-BC, LCAT
Come bathe in the deep, resonant and healing sounds of large crystal and Tibetan bowls, gongs, and other therapeutic drone instruments. The unique quality of the crystal bowls are particularly good for the bones, cellular rejuvenation and promote Theta brain states for healing, deep relaxation, decompression and rejuvenation.
Click Here for Info & tickets
Thursday, May 14, 7-9pm
AlySun Panichi MA, MT-BC, LCAT
Join Aly Sun, an experienced vocalist and music therapist, on a journey of exploration into the beauty and power of your authentic voice! Increase your capacity for creative expression, healthy communication and self-healing while engaging in powerful, playful and cathartic exercises drawn from a variety of traditions; including classical vocal training, vocal music therapy methods, conscious breathing, improvisational play and collective experience informed by shamanistic traditions.
Click Here for Info & tickets
Thursday, June 4, 7-9pm
Kate Richards Geller MA, MT-BC, LCAT
Join Music Therapist Kate Geller for a singing circle where you will "sing for yourself" within a supportive community of singers. Using tone, rhythm, melody, harmony and groove to explore musical landscapes, this workshop will soothe your soul, synchronize your heart beat with others, elevate endorphins and release oxytocin ("the friendship chemical" or the "social bonding hormone"). Open to all levels of musical experience. We encourage you to bring a friend.
Click Here for Info & tickets