Brooklyn Conservatory Chorale
Brooklyn Conservatory Community Orchestra Chamber Music
A dynamic chorus with high musical standards, the Conservatory Chorale explores and performs a rich variety of musical styles, both a cappella and with accompaniment, from the Renaissance to the present. Several public performances are given throughout the year in the surrounding neighborhoods.
Auditions will take place on September 15 from 7-9pm and in February, and by appointment. You will be asked to sing and to look at rhythm and melodic patterns. Sight reading is not a requirement but is helpful.
For more information and to schedule an audition, contact Nelly Vuksic at 718.622.3300 x218.
Full Year: $250
2-hour rehearsal: Mon 7pm
To learn more about the Chorale visit brooklynconservatorychorale.org.
Music Director: Dorothy Savitch

Open to all orchestral musicians of intermediate to advanced levels. From Mozart to Copland and beyond, the Conservatory Orchestra performs works of the great orchestral repertoire and gives several public performances throughout the year in the surrounding neighborhoods. An audition is required. For more information and to schedule an audition, contact Dorothy Savitch at 718.622.3300 x221. To learn more, visit bcco.info.
Full Year: $250
2-hour class: Tue 7:30pm
Chamber music, or small ensemble playing, is one of the most exciting and rewarding ways to share music-making with fellow musicians and to improve your own playing. Students who can read music will be evaluated and assigned to a level-appropriate group. All groups will then receive 12 coaching sessions by faculty members. Contact Brian Snow at .
90-minute class, 12 weeks: $400
Schedule based on availability.
To register, call the Registration Desk at 718.622.3300 x211